Thursday, August 30

Criminals or Fashion Victims?

It appears that this style defies not only the laws of physics, but also the laws of several municipalities.

Can plumber's crack be far behind? (Did I really write that? My subconscious has a bad sense of humor.)

Tuesday, August 7

Harry Potter and the Anti-Climax

Am I the only one finding HP7 heavy going?

I have a hard time reading it for more than 15 minutes before boredom sets in. Since I have a similar reaction to exercising on the ol' Nordic Trak, I thought that I should try combining the two activities. Surprise! I can go for about 30 minutes doing both. I guess my brain alternates different boredom receptors, making this possible.

Still Life with Harry Potter

Monday, August 6

Fiber Expo comes to town

The First Annual Fiber Expo is coming to Washtenaw County, October 27 & 28. Critters, classes, vendors, and stuff. Wahoo!