Tuesday, February 26

Betsy and the Go Blue Moderne

It took me about 4 months, but I finished it. Last Saturday, I gave our niece, Betsy, the Go Blue Moderne baby blanket. This little item is based on the Moderne Baby Blanket, from Mason-Dixon Knitting.

I used Mission Falls 1824 cotton. Notice the subtle integration of the University of Michigan school colors. Go Blue!

Here is Betsy displaying the blanket. She is smiling, so she either likes the blanket, or thinks she has one crazy aunt.

Tuesday, February 5

I Love Mad Men

I love AMC's tv show Mad Men. Here is a prime example of the cigarette ads they had to stop making.

(Click the picture for the Modern Mechanix story)

Friday, February 1

We Ate There

We ate at the Brown Derby in L.A., back in the day. It was cool.

(Click on the photo to read about these places.)