Thursday, December 31

Goodbye to 2009

Na na na na, na na na na
Hey hey-y
Goo-od bye!

Good bye, 2009. Here's your hat - what's your hurry. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

(Edited to add: I've been told this post is kind of a downer., so let me explain. I had a good year. Even my car company is looking up. I was speaking in general - the economy, stuff like that.)

Here's to a happier, healthier, wealthier, better, New Year!

Monday, July 13

The Art of Couture

This video is an interesting look into the art of couture design.

(Hit 'cancel' if asked for a password)

Sunday, June 21

Bento Art

I'm more of a "it doesn't matter what it looks like if it tastes good" cook, but this bento art impresses the hell out of me.

How can you resist this?

Grouchy Bf bento
Originally uploaded by Sakurako Kitsa

Sunday, June 14


Nature is not always pretty. I think this bird

is a cross between a cardinal and

a buzzard.

(All pictures taken in our back yard.)

We checked with the Dept. of Natural Resources - Hubbo's cousin a DNR biologist - and word came back that the lack of feathers is from poking his head into a bird feeder hole, and the distorted beak was from hitting something. It's not a dread disease; just an unlucky bird.

Saturday, May 30

Move along. Nothing to see.

It's been a while. Not too much crafty-ness going on here. I have been working in the garden, but so far it's been mostly cleanup duty. Ah, well. There is always next month.

Wednesday, April 1

Google has a cool new feature

Check it out. Introducing CADIE: a singular upgrade to your online life.


Wednesday, March 4

Three episodes before we know all

And we will be on vacation for the last two. Arghhhh!

Saturday, February 7

Star Trek Opera

I never watch Adult Swim, Robot Chicken...whatever. But this is wonderful.

Monday, January 12

Shhh - Don't Tell Joanie

My sister-in-law Joanie is an interior designer and helped us with our new light fixture, so I made her this bag. It was designed by another interior designer for carrying samples around.

It is really big.

Really big. (Excuse the blurry photo; the auto focus doesn't seem to work with the self-timer.)

Light - At Last

The Monday before Thanksgiving, the ceiling fixture blew. Annoying since Thanksgiving was to be at our house. What to do? The fixture was beyond repairing, so we took it down, installed a ceramic socket and stuck on a clip on shade over the bare bulb. Stunning. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Didn't I tell you?

We eventually found a light fixture we liked. I think it looks pretty good.

Another view.

It is so nice to be able to see at night.

Thursday, January 1

First Monday, 2009

All resolutions take effect on the first Monday of the New Year. No sense setting oneself up for immediate failure. (I always find weekends detrimental to the proper execution of a good resolution.)

With that out of the way -

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!